How to sell like a PRO in B2B
The Prospecting Masterclass ep. 15 – Cesc Vilaubi Hi Croners, welcome to another episode of “The Prospecting Masterclass“, the n.15!!! You know, in the dynamic world of B2B sales, where success requires adaptability and finesse, there are a few exceptional individuals who stand out as true masters of the craft. And yes, today we have […]
Balancing quantity and quality in sales outreach with Giovanni Desiderio
Quantity and Quality in outreach activities with Giovanni Desiderio Hi Croners, welcome to another episode of “The Prospecting Masterclass“! As you know, in this column every week we dive deep into the world of B2B sales, uncovering valuable insights and strategies from industry experts. Today, we have the privilege of sitting down with Giovanni Desiderio, a […]
Build relationships and boost your sales with Alan Ruchtein
Get better at B2B sales with Alan Ruchtein Hi Croners, welcome back to a new episode of “The Prospecting Masterclass“! Today, we have with us Alan Ruchtein, a Senior Account Executive at Insider. Alan’s expertise shines through in his interview, with over 7 years of experience in the B2B sales industry. The depth of his insights in just […]
Shaping B2B Sales future: trends & challenges
The prospecting masterclass ep.12 Hi Croners, are you ready for an incredible learning experience? When we started thinking about this column months ago, we were thinking of content exactly like this: a Sales Guru with a global vision of the topic who could convey all his experience in just 5 answers. And Massimiliano Böhm, with this […]
Discipline and ethics in Sales
The prospecting masterclass ep.11 We didn’t release any episodes of “The Prospecting Masterclass” last week, we know that. But we have a good reason (we swear!). With Crono we officially joined the Startup Wise Guys family and last week we all flew to Bilbao together! What a great feeling to be part of one of the best European startup […]
Aiming perfection in B2B Sales techniques
The prospecting masterclass ep. 10 And finally, we have reached episode number 10 of “The Prospecting Masterclass“. Ok, it might seem like a small goal, but when we thought for the first time about this project, this was exactly our first milestone (and the main doubt about the project): could we have the consistency to publish […]
Building a Personal Brand to crush your goals with Antonio Prescott
Personal brand: your key to success Another Tuesday, another “The Prospecting Masterclass” Episode. You were waiting for it right? Us too! Some of our followers have asked us to create a newsletter with these weekly episodes, would you like it? Or would you prefer a monthly one with all the episodes of the month? Write us […]
Standing out in the in-box with Annamaria Buccino
The prospecting masterclass ep. 8 Hey Croners, how are you? How did your Q2 start? Here is the eighth episode of our “The Prospecting Masterclass” for you! Today is here with us Annamaria Buccino, Sales Account @ Chorally! Can a successful career in sales start entirely by accident? Of course it can!! Annamiaria’s story begins exactly […]
Standing out in B2B Sales with Fabio Castronuovo
Personalization: the key to stand out Hey hey hey, after a week we are here again with the seventh episode of our column “The Prospecting Masterclass“. How cool is this blog getting? If you’re thinking “a lot” then we can’t agree more with you. Today is here with us Fabio Castronuovo, Regional Director Italy @ Alcméon! Fabio, […]
Human first approach in sales with Algirdas Snioka
Sell to human, like a human Hi Croners! Time flies when you are having fun and and so we have reached the sixth episode in our column “The Prospecting Masterclass“. Seems like yesterday when we released the first one. Today is here with us Algirdas Snioka, Co-Owner & Sales Project Manager @ Okredo! Algirdas is […]